Release Notes v3.0

Generate Release Notes Version 3.2


The purpose of this document is to communicate the major new features and changes in the release of Generate Version 3.0.

About this Release

Release v3.0 contains all the EDFacts Submission Reports and five data quality reports. Improvement were also made to the data migration user interface, providing users more control over the execution of ETL processes.

Compatible Systems

Generate was tested on the following operating systems and browsers:

  1. Windows 10 Pro

  2. Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome, Version 68 0.3440.106 (Official Build) )64-bit), and Firefox Quantum 61.01 (64 bit)

Reports Available in Generate

The following reports are available in this release:

EDFacts Submission Reports

    • FS002 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) School Age v14.0

    • FS005 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Removal to Interim Alternative Educational Setting v14.0

    • FS006 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Suspensions/Expulsions v14.0

    • FS007 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Reasons for Unilateral Removal v14.0

    • FS009 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Exiting Special Education v14.3

    • FS029 — Directory v14.1

    • FS032 — Dropouts v14.4

    • FS033 — Free and Reduced Price Lunch v14.1

    • FS035 — Federal Programs v13.0

    • FS037 — Title I Part A SWP/TAS Participation v14.1

    • FS039 — Grades Offered v14.1

    • FS040 — Graduates/Completers v14.3

    • FS045 — Immigrant v14.0

    • FS050 — Title III English Language Proficiency Results v14.0

    • FS052 — Membership v14.1

    • FS054 — MEP Students Served – 12 Months v14.1

    • FS059 — Staff FTE v14.2

    • FS067 — Title III Teachers v14.0

    • FS070 — Special Education Teachers (FTE) v14.1

    • FS082 — CTE Concentrators Exiting v14.0

    • FS083 — CTE Concentrator Graduates v14.0

    • FS086 — Students Involved with Firearms v14.1

    • FS088 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Disciplinary Removals v14.0

    • FS089 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Early Childhood v14.0

    • FS099 — Special Education Related Services Personnel v14.1

    • FS103 — Accountability v14.1

    • FS112 — Special Education Paraprofessionals v14.1

    • FS113 — N or D Academic Achievement – State Agency v14.0

    • FS116 — Title III Students Served v14.1

    • FS118 — Homeless Students Enrolled v14.0

    • FS119 — N or D Participation - State Agency v14.0

    • FS121 — Migratory Students Eligible – 12 Months v14.3

    • FS122 — MEP Students Eligible and Served – Summer/Intersession v14.0

    • FS125 — N or D Academic Achievement – LEA v14.0

    • FS126 — Title III Former EL Students v14.3

    • FS127 — N or D Participation – LEA v14.0

    • FS129 — CCD School v14.4

    • FS130 — ESEA Status v14.1

    • FS131 — LEA End of School Year Status v14.1

    • FS132 — Section 1003 Funds v14.0

    • FS134 — Title I Part A Participation v14.2

    • FS137 — English Language Proficiency Test v14.1

    • FS138 — Title III English Language Proficiency Test v14.2

    • FS139 — English Language Proficiency Results v14.1

    • FS141 — EL Enrolled v14.0

    • FS142 — CTE Concentrators Academic Achievement v14.0

    • FS143 — Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Total Disciplinary Removals v14.0

    • FS144 — Educational Services During Expulsion v14.0

    • FS145 — MEP Services v14.0

    • FS150 — Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate v14.1

    • FS151 — Cohorts for Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate v14.1

    • FS154 — CTE Concentrators in Graduation Rate v14.0

    • FS155 — CTE Participants in Programs for Non-traditional v14.0

    • FS156 — CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-traditional v14.0

    • FS157 — CTE Concentrators Technical Skills v14.0

    • FS158 — CTE Concentrators Placement v14.0

    • FS160 — High School Graduates Postsecondary Enrollment v14.2

    • FS163 — Discipline Data v14.1

    • FS165 — Migratory Data v14.0

    • FS169 — CTE Type of Placement v14.0

    • FS170 — LEA Subgrant Status v14.0

    • FS175 — Academic Achievement in Mathematics v14.1

    • FS178 — Academic Achievement in Reading (Language Arts) v14.1

    • FS179 — Academic Achievement in Science v14.0

    • FS180 — N or D In Program Outcomes v14.0

    • FS181 — N or D Exited Program Outcomes v14.0

    • FS185 — Assessment Participation in Mathematics v14.1

    • FS188 — Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts v14.1

    • FS189 — Assessment Participation in Science v14.2

    • FS190 — Charter Authorizer Directory v14.0

    • FS193 — Title I Allocations v14.0

    • FS194 — Young Homeless Children Served (McKinney-Vento) v14.1

    • FS195 — Chronic Absenteeism v14.2

    • FS196 — Management Organizations Directory v14.1

    • FS197 — Crosswalk of Charter Schools to Management Organizations v14.0

    • FS198 — Charter Contracts v14.1

    • FS199 — Graduation Rate Indicator Status v14.1

    • FS200 — Academic Achievement Indicator Status v14.1

    • FS201 — Other Academic Indicator Status v14.1

    • FS202 — School Quality or Student Success Indicator Status v14.1

    • FS203 — Teachers v14.0

    • FS204 — Title III English Learners v14.2

    • FS205 — Progress Achieving English Language Proficiency Indicator Status v14.0

Updated Reports

No reports were updated in this release.

Update Details


  1. Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Disciplinary Removals FS009 – Revised mechanism used to count students

  2. Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Total Disciplinary Removals FS143 – Revised process for calculating disciplinary removal length

  3. Educational Services During Expulsion FS144 – Reconfigured to use entry grade level rather than exit grade level

  4. All discipline reports (FS005, FS006, FS007, FS088, FS143, FS144) – Fixed issue with LEP status being improperly displayed in submission files

  5. All staff reports (FS070, FS099, FS112) – Resolved issue with duplicate counts where staff are assigned to multiple schools

  6. All assessment reports (FS175, FS178, FS179, FS185, FS188, FS189) – Fixed issue with Economically Disadvantaged status being improperly displayed in submission files

  7. All discipline and exit from special education (FS005, FS006, FS007, FS088, FS143, FS144, FS009) – Reworked migration process to use proper dates for demographics and program enrollment data (discipline start date and special education exit date)

Updated Pages

The following pages in Generate were updated in this Release:

  1. SPP/APR Report pages:

    1. the link to the SPP/APR Collection tool was updated for all SPP/APR report pages. It now goes to the OSEP SPP/APR Resources page.

  2. The CEDS Connection links were corrected on the following EDFacts report pages:

  • FS032

  • FS040

  • FS082

  • FS185

  • FS193

  1. The link to the EDFacts file specifications page was corrected on each EDFacts reports page as well as from Resources on the Home page. The link has been changed to open the main EDFacts File Specification page instead of the 2015-16 file specification page.

Known Issues and Limitations


  1. Reports – EDFacts Submission Reports

    1. Report titles for SY 2017-18 (all reports):

      1. Reports begin with “C” not “FS” for SEA, LEA and Schools, and all category sets. For example, C045 should display FS045.

    2. Format Error (all reports)

      1. Columns can’t be resized so permitted values aren’t displayed in full on some of the online reports

      2. In some screen sizes, the drop-downs on the report page overlap, making them unusable.

    3. C032: report isn’t filtered by Exit or Withdrawal Type

    4. C089: Permitted Value of “Home” is displayed as “Homeless” on the online reports

  2. Settings - Toggle

    1. IDEA - EXITING Reference Period – error message “End date of reference period cannot be on or before the Start Date”

      1. The system should override the error message when the radio button is set to “Yes.” Currently, users must change the date fields regardless of whether radio button selection is Yes or No. Switching the radio button to "Yes" should override the error message about the date fields below it being the same (e.g., "End date of reference period cannot be on or before the Start Date.")

    2. Radio button functionality needs to be fixed.

      1. Users cannot click on a button to deselect it once they’ve selected it. Selecting then deselecting the same button/option again and changing the value should be allowed.

    3. Add a warning message in the Toggle when changes are made and the user tries to exist without clicking “Save.”

    4. Add Membership Count Date field to Toggle

    5. There are two words in Toggle that are misspelled

  3. Settings - Data Store

    1. There isn’t a kill switch to cancel the Migration process. A kill switch is needed.

  4. Reports Library

    1. The graph layout needs to be updated for the following reports:

      1. Preschoolers with Disabilities in Educational Environment

      2. School Age with Disabilities in Educational Environment

      3. Proficiency Level of Grade

      4. Participation in Multiple Federal Programs

    2. Exit from Special Education Report:

      1. Add additional information to reports:

        • When Economically Disadvantaged is selected from the Subpopulation dropdown, add a status of "Not Economically Disadvantaged (Not ED)" to the report.

        • When Homeless is selected form the Subpopulation dropdown, add a status of “Not Homeless” to the report

        • When Migrant is selected form the Subpopulation dropdown, add a status of “Not Migrant” to the report

        • Remove “enrolled” from the results and replace with “Homeless Status”

    3. When reports are exported to Excel, the URL to the CEDS Connection should be a link.

  5. Link to EDFacts File Specifications goes to SY 2015-16 File Specifications instead of the main File Specification page. The correct link is: specifications.html

    1. The Connection links for the following EDFacts reports are not working properly.

a. C032, C050, C103, C125, C127, C130, C142, C154, C155, C156, C157, C158, C169, C170, C179, C180, C181, C189, C194, C196, C197, C198, C200, C201, C202, C203, C204, C205, C206

To see the Connections for the above reports, do the following:

  • Click on Tools > Connect > Find Existing Connections

  • Enter the report number in the Search field

  • Click Search

    1. There isn’t a session timeout in Generate.

Last updated