Reports Library

The Reports Library includes student level data summary reports developed by stakeholders. These reports include data on exiting, participation in federal programs, proficiency rates, and educational outcomes. The Reports Library is

available to all users. It is unique in that it allows you to categorize reports by topic, giving you the ability to customize how you search for reports.

The Reports Library is accessible from the top menu bar on any page in Generate, as well as from the shortcut menu on the Generate Home page.

The following information describes how to access, categorize, run, and view reports in the Reports Library.

Accessing Reports Library

  1. Click on the words Standard Reports from the toolbar at the top of any page in Generate.

  2. Click on Reports Library.

Categorizing Reports

Reports for the Reports Library are categorized by Report Topic and can be customized according to user preference. You can create new report topics, add reports to existing report topics, and remove reports from existing report topics. Modifications to the page are personalized for the user that is logged in; changes made by one user cannot be seen by another.

The steps below explain how to customize the Reports Library.

Creating Report Topics

By default, the main page displays a list of all the reports available in the Reports Library as shown below.

To create a new report topic:

  1. Click on the “Add New Report Topic” button located on the righthand side of the screen.

The Add Report Topic page will display.

  1. Enter a name for the topic in the Name field.

  1. Click in the box to the left of a report name to add a report to your Report Topic.

    1. You must select at least one report to create a new Report Topic.

Reports show the levels for reporting, SEA, LEA, or School. If you are only interested in reports that require reporting for SEA and LEA, only select reports where the SEA and LEA checkbox are selected.

  1. To return a short list of results, or search for a specific report, enter a combination of letters in the Filter field.

  1. Click OK when you have made all selections.

The report topic will be inserted at the bottom of the list.

Editing Report Topics

You can edit any of the report topics that are in the Reports Library, even those that are in the Report Library by default.

To edit Report Topics, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the paper and pencil edit button.

The Edit Report Topic popup window will open.

From the Edit Report Topic page, you can change the report topic name or select/deselect reports to be included or excluded. The steps for editing report topics are virtually the same as creating a new report topic except that you are typing over an existing Report Topic Name with a new name.

To update your Report Topics, follow the steps for Creating Report Topics above.

Searching for Reports

There are two options available for you to search for reports. You can search by Level or by using a filter option. To search for reports by Level follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow next to Report Level.

  2. Click on the Level to select it.

  3. Click the GO button.

This generates a list of reports that are available at the SEA level for you to run. (For ease of use, any additional levels for which the report can be run will also display for selection.)

To search for reports using the filter option follow the steps below.

  1. Click in the box next to Filter.

  2. Enter a combination of letters to filter for specific reports.

  3. Click on the GO button.

Running Reports

Reports can be run by SEA, LEA, or School levels. To run a report, select “VIEW REPORT” under the level for which you want the report to run.

  1. To run a report by SEA level, click VIEW REPORT under the SEA column header.

  2. To run a report by LEA level, click VIEW REPORT under the LEA column header.

  3. To run a report by School level, click VIEW REPORT under the School column header.

When a report is selected at the SEA level, the system displays the information for the SEA by the most recent year of data and the first subpopulation available in the dropdown list.

Reports can be run at the LEA and School level, as well. You have the option to run the report by a single LEA or a single school, or by all LEAs or all schools. To select a report by a single school, you would first select the LEA, then select the school.

  1. Click on the Level “SCHOOLS”.

  2. Under Report LEA, click on the dropdown arrow next to “All LEAs” and select an LEA.

  3. Under Report School, click on the dropdown arrow next to “Select School.”

All schools that reside in the LEA you selected will display.

  1. Click on a school name to select it.

Only information for that school will display on the report.

Reports can be produced in various ways.

  1. To produce the report for a different Level, click on one of the three options (SEA, LEA, SCHOOLS).

  2. To produce the report for a different Year, click on the dropdown arrow below Year and select the year.

  3. To produce the report for a different Subpopulation, click on the dropdown arrow under Subpopulation and select a new subpopulation.

  4. To sort a column by ascending or descending order, click on the column name.

  5. To filter the results to return specific information, begin typing the characters for the LEA or school in the Filter field.

  6. To see more information or less information for an SEA, LEA, or School, click the expand and collapse arrows as shown in the screenshot below.

Exporting Reports

Each report can be exported to Excel by clicking on the EXPORT TO EXCEL button.


Each report in Generate includes links to additional resources, as described below.

Each report in the Reports Library has a corresponding CEDS Connection that identifies the elements required for the report and the procedures/analysis required to create the report. To access the CEDS Connection, click on the Connection link located on the bottom left side of the page.

You can return to the main Reports Library page at any time by clicking on the GO TO REPORTS LIBRARY button located on each report at the bottom left of the page.

Last updated