Navigating Generate

Generate is a web application that includes a Home page, menu bars, shortcuts to reports, and a timeout clock. You can access any page or resource for Generate from the Home page.

Home Page

To accommodate user preferences, the pages and resources within Generate can be accessed from several locations, as shown below. The functionality for each option is explained in the sections that follow.

The following pages are accessible from the menu at the top of the page:


The graphics on the right side of the Home page are shortcuts to:

  • Resources

  • Data Population Summary

  • CIID website

The graphics in the center of the Home page are shortcuts to:

  • View EDFacts Submission Reports

  • View SPP/APR Submission Reports

  • View Reports Library

Timeout Clock

A twenty-minute timeout clock is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the page under your username.

  • The timeout clock starts to count down as soon as you log into Generate.

  • When the timeout clock reaches five minutes, the following notification will display:

  • To reset the timeout clock, move the mouse.

  • If the system times out, you will see the following message:

You will need to log back in to Generate. Once you have logged in, a notification message will display that says your previous session has been found. To navigate to the place, you were before the system timed out, click “Yes.” To return to the Home page, click “No.” Note: whether the system logged you out because you were idle, or you intentionally logged out of the system, the “Previous Session Found” message will display.

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