Release Notes v5.3

This document provides a description of the technical enhancements to Generate version 5.3 released in February 2023.


Generate version 5.3 is a minor release that contains fixes/enhancements primarily focused on the spring file submissions. Additionally, there is a new File Comparison utility that automates the loading and comparison of a state submission file to the same file created in Generate. There is also a new schema called ‘Utilities’ to better group some of the helper processes available in Generate. Detailed documentation on how to use the Utilities in Generate will be available in the Generate Implementation Guide.

State ETL changes: For Directory files, there are several possible ETL changes required by the States.

  1. Columns LEA_IsReportedFederally and School_IsReportedFederally in Staging.K12Organization are now required to be populated with a value of 1 for LEAs and Schools that are to be reported in FS029. If a state loads organizations into staging that are not to be reported in FS029, these columns can be populated with 0 or NULL.

  2. There are two new columns in Staging.K12Organization that can be used if needed. These columns are Prior_LEA_Identifier_State and Prior_School_Identifier_State. These are to be populated in instances where the LEA_Identifier_State or School_Identifier_State have changed from the previous values. If these are not needed, they may be populated as NULL.


The following EDFacts reports were updated in this release.

Type of Impact:

  • Data – the changes will improve data quality and completeness

  • User Interface – the changes impact the Generate User Interface and/or migration process

  • Source to Staging ETL – the changes may require modifications to the SEA’s Source to Staging ETL

  • Performance – the changes improve the performance of a data migration

  • Migration – the changes impact a data migration process

  • Submission Files – the changes may impact submission file(s)

  • Database – changes to the Generate database structure


No changes have been made to the Generate upgrade procedure for this release. Follow the standard Generate upgrade process to install version 5.3.


Generate was tested on the following operating systems and browsers:

Last updated