Release Notes v3.7

Generate Release Notes Version 3.7


The purpose of this document is to communicate the technical and general updates made to Generate in version 3.7.

Technical Release Summary

Several changes were made to the database tables. Refer to the 3UD2T atabase UpdatesU32Tsection for details.

General Release Summary

Generate Release 3.7 includes updates to reports, the database, and configuration changes.

Updated Reports

The following Standard EDFacts reports were updated in this release.


Approved Change

Reference Number


Added permitted values for “Grades Offered” to online report.



Added permitted values for “Grades Offered” to submission file



Added permitted values for “Educational Services During Expulsion” to submission file


002 &


Changed abbreviation for the permitted values “Intellectual disability” to “ID”


002 &


Removed permitted value “AGE05 Age 5” and reference to transition of age 5 in kindergarten into FS002



Added permitted values for “Progress Level” to report


082, 083,

155, 157

and 204

Discontinued in Generate to align with EDFacts updates (files were discontinued for SY 2019-20)


Database Updates

  1. Metadata was rolled over for the following years (reference CIID-3913 and CIID-3946):

o 2019-20: 005, 006, 007, 009, 045, 070, 088, 099, 112, 118, 143, and 144

o 2020-21: 029, 039, 033, 035, 052, 129, 141, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188 and 189

  1. Updated PerkinsLEPStatus field in the staging PersonStatus table from a varchar field to a bit field. Edited encapsulated code to correctly insert records into ODS.PersonStatus for the Perkins LEP students and write the created IDs back. (Reference CIID-3855)

  2. Updated SQL report to consider the LEA value migrated into the FactStudentDiscipline table to prevent reports from overwriting the responsible LEA with the attending LEA. (Reference CIID- 3852)

  3. For FS134 report, updated aggregation rules for student counts in Get_CountSQL.. (Reference CIID- 3875)

  4. For files FS002 and FS029, removed filter on OperationalStatusEffectiveDate that was causing organizations without an operational status change mid-year to be excluded from several files that use different date ranges. (Reference CIID-3876)

  5. Updated SPED wrapper scripts so the descriptions display for all files, not just IDEA. (Reference CIID-3918)

  6. Applied logic and migration performance fixes to Generate source code. (Reference CIID-3951 and CIID-3952)

  7. Created wrapper stored procedures for RDS migrations (Procedures & Parameters). (Reference CIID-2223)

  8. Added functionality to track LEAs and Schools that are not reported federally. (Reference CIID- 3404)

  9. For reports 029 and 039, updated ETL to RDS Reporting layer to handle multiple operational statuses. (Reference CIID-3872)

  10. Disabled HTTPS redirect requirement for background app. (Reference CIID-3893)

  11. Enabled logging of all errors in web app appUpdate and background app BackgroundUpdate controllers. (Reference CIID-3894)

  12. For all IDEA files, updatedEnrollment_encapsulated code to enable a check to ensure that OrganizationPersonRoleId_LEA and OrganizationPersonRoleId_School are populated. (Reference CIID-3853)

  13. For file FS118, updated Get_CountSQL to ensure proper creation of file. (Reference CIID-3959)

  14. For files FS118 and FS194, updated Migrate_DimAges and Migrate_StudentCounts to ensure the FactTypeCode is passed through properly. (Reference CIID-3961)

  15. Added option to Toggle so states can select a date to run the age calculation in Toggle. (Reference CIID-3966)

  16. For file FS194, added the @useCutOffDate parameter into Migrate_DimGradeLevels and use the proper date logic to determine which grade levels to return out of the stored procedure. (Reference CIID-3967)

  17. Updated Migrate_OrganizationCounts stored procedure so LEAs and schools do not end up with NULL operation status values. (Reference CIID-3839)

  18. Updated ODS-RefOrganizationRelationship table because it was empty in Staging database after upgrading to 3.5 and was causing the migration to fail. (Reference CIID-3845)

  19. Updated Enrollment_encapsulated to check to ensure that OrganizationPersonRoleId_LEA and OrganizationPersonRoleId_School are populated when new records are inserted into the OrganizationPersonRoleRelationship table. (Reference CIID-3953)

General Update

  1. Added support for SSL connection to Active Directory. (Reference CIID-2713)

  2. Toggle - corrected misspellings. (Reference CIID-1918, CIID-1999)

  3. Toggle – updated “save” functionality in Assessments Toggle. (Reference CIID-3789)

Compatible Systems

Generate was tested on the following operating systems and browsers:

    • Windows 10 Pro

    • Google Chrome, Version 68 0.3440.106 (Official Build) )64-bit), Firefox Quantum 61.01 (64 bit), and Internet Explorer 11, 1387,15063.0

Last updated