Getting Started

The Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) developed the Generate application to improve data quality and simplify EDFacts reporting for state education agencies (SEAs).

The Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) developed the Generate application to improve data quality and simplify EDFacts reporting for state education agencies (SEAs). Generate standardizes data, improves data use and reporting, and supports administrative and policy work to improve educational outcomes for all students and their families. The functionality for each of the reporting capabilities described in this guide is consistent across the various reporting options. Generate has the capability to produce reports for all EDFacts files. It also includes a Data Population Summary report that provides a high-level summary of data within Generate, SPP/APR reports that provide the data needed to calculate selected indicators, and a Reports Library that includes student level data summary reports for exiting, graduation, participation in federal programs, proficiency rates, and educational environment.

Generate includes all EDFacts reports, 4 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance (SPP/APR) reports, and 15 additional student level data summaries within the Reports Library.

SPP/APR reports:

  1. Indicator 4A – Suspension/Expulsion

  2. Indicator 4B – Suspensions/Expulsions by Race/Ethnicity

  3. Indicator 9 – Disproportionate Representation

  4. Indicator 10 – Disproportionate Representation in Specific Disability Categories

  5. Indicator 11 – Child Find

Student-Level Data Summaries:

  1. Exit From Special Education

  2. Cohort Graduation Rate

  3. Students Participating in Federal Programs

  4. Students Participating in Multiple Federal Programs

  5. Disciplinary Removals of Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Ages 3-21

  6. Proficiency Level of Students by Grade

  7. Preschoolers with Disabilities in Each Educational Environment

  8. School Age Students with Disabilities in Each Educational Environment

  9. Year to Year Child Count Report

  10. Year to Year Change – Special Education Child Count Environments

  11. Year to Year Student Exit Report

  12. LEA Students Summary Profile

  13. Year-to-Year Student Removal Report

  14. Year-to-Year Progress in Reading and Math

  15. Student Drop-out Attendance Patterns and Proficiency Levels in Math and Reading


This document provides end-user guidance for using Generate Versions 5.0+. Information or guidance pertaining to quality assurance activities for EDFacts, or other reports is not included. However, the application does cite and provide links to resources where you can access information related to quality assurance or get additional support. If at any time you have an issue or question about Generate, please contact CIID at:

Unless otherwise specified, screenshots will appear below descriptive or instructional text.


This User Guide contains information for EDFacts coordinators, other Generate users, or anyone interested in the following questions regarding Generate:

  • How to request the Generate application and its tools

  • How to navigate the application

  • How to run reports

  • How to create EDFacts submission files

  • How to link to other resources for additional help with reports

  • How to use Settings

  • How to update Generate to the next version

The following sections will walk through how to request Generate, create roles, log in and navigate Generate.

Last updated