Release Notes v4.1

Generate Release Notes Version 4.1


The purpose of this document is to communicate the technical updates made to Generate in version 4.1.

General Release Summary

Generate Release version 4.1 includes updates to reports, the ETL (Data Store), and defect resolution.

Updated Reports

The following EDFacts reports were updated in this release.


Approved Change

Reference Number

FS175, 178, 179

Resolved performance issues with UI Assessments reports.



Resolved issue with the typo in the word “Primary Authorizer.”



Implemented ETL to RDS Reporting Layer to handle multiple operational statuses.


FS 035, 039, 103, 129, 130,

131, 132, 163, 170, 190,

193, 196, 197, 198, 205,

206, 207

Implemented new logic in Create_OrganizationReportData to handle multiple operational statuses.


Defect Resolution

  1. CIID-2292 Assessments - Investigate performance issues with UI Assessments reports (175, 178, 179).

    • Performance issues were resolved by implementing paging on the UI report.

  2. CIID-2517: FS037 Title I Part A SWP/TAS Participation - Category E "Homeless" - permitted value "H" is missing from the SEA and LEA submission files.

    • Resolved issue where ‘H’ (Homeless) was missing from Category E.

  3. CIID-3867: FS029 Directory - EDFacts submission School Report 'Primary Authorizers' should be singular (Authorizer) not plural.

    • Changed “Charter School Primary Authorizers” to “Charter School Primary Authorizer.”

  4. CIID-3868 FS029 Directory - Charter School Authorizer Identifier (State) - Primary and Secondary Authorizers are not displaying in export to Excel.

    • Resolved issue where Charter School Authorizer Identifier (State) - Primary and Secondary Authorizers were appearing on the UI report but were missing from the export to Excel feature.

  5. CIID-4429: Migrations - School Year should create the select list from the current metadata.

    • Resolved issue where School Year was displaying records through 2050.

  6. CIID-4439: All file specs using Disability - GetCountSQL are using the wrong school year for the ID/MR Disability code switch.

    • Updated Get_CountSQL to make sure it is correctly using MR/ID based on the School Year.

  7. CIID-4457 FS086 - Migrate_DimFirearmsDiscipline joins exclude previous year student records.

    • Updated join logic in Migrate_ DimFirearmsDiscipline to be date-based so it pulls the appropriate record for the school year being migrated.

  8. CIID-4567: FS029 - Reconstituted Status not handled correctly in the IDS migration

    • Resolved Reconstituted Status INSERT into dbo.OrganizationFederalAccountability is limited to only records where reconstituted status is populated

  9. CIID-4570: FS029 Migrate_StagingToIDS_Organization insert into dbo.OrganizationWebsite can result in a null insert

    • Modified Migrate_StagingToIDS_Organization to add WHERE clause condition to the into dbo.OrganizationWebsite. This resolved the INSERT error.

  10. CIID-4571: FS029 Migrate_DimSeas is updating MailingAddressStreet2 with MailingAddressStreet

    • Resolved issue in Migrate_DimSeas by mapping MailingAddressStreet2 to MailingAddressStreet2.

  11. CIID-4472: FS178 ELA Assessment - Page Unresponsive message displays when changing category sets at the school level.

    • Resolved page response issue by implementing paging on the UI report.

  12. CIID-4482: Migrate_DimK12Races output doesn't include PersonId, so if races differ between dual-enrolled schools, output will be cross joined.

    • Resolved issue where output didn’t include PersonId in Migrate_DimK12Races.

  13. CIID-4494: FS005 & FS007 IDEA Discipline - Fix the code that sums discipline to check for > 45 days in Get_CountSQL.

    • Resolved issue where Get_CountSQL was summing all types of Discipline events when comparing to the 45-day rule for FS005 and FS007.

  14. CIID-4503 FS006 - Update RDS.Get_CountSQL to exclude REMDW records from the Removal Length Aggregation.

    • Resolved issue in RDS.Get_CountSQL by excluding REMDW records from the Removal Length aggregation.

  15. CIID-4514 FS143 & FS086 - Migrate_DimFirearms creates a cross-join for FS143 duplicating records.

    • Modified rds.Migrate_StudentDisciplines to add IncidentId to the @firearmsQuery temp table, then inserted into that temp table, and added it to the join condition in the population of #queryOutput. Also modified rds.Migrate_DimFirearms to return IncidentId. This resolved the duplicate records.

  16. CIID-4541 FS029 Directory is exporting from Generate Web Application with "Undefined" rather than the state abbreviation in the file name.

    • Resolved issue where the submission files were exporting the file name using the string

“Undefined” rather than the state code.

Non-Development Tasks

  1. CIID-4468: FS070, 099, 112 Spec Ed Teachers - Check the joins at the RDS level for Teachers and Paraprofessionals.

    • Resolved issue where FTE numbers were duplicated in FactK12StaffCounts.

Development Tasks

  1. CIID-4432: File specs - 035, 039, 103, 129, 130, 131, 132, 163, 170, 190, 193, 196, 197, 198, 205,

206, 207 - Update Create_OrganizationReportData to use the new Operational Status logic.

    • Create_OrganizationReportData was updated previously to handle Operational Status more efficiently for 029. The same logic was applied to the other Organization files included in that stored procedure.


  1. CIID-3872: FS029 Directory - Updated ETL to RDS Reporting Layer to handle multiple operational statuses.

  2. CIID-4374: Rebuilt the indexes at the IDS migration level.

  3. CIID-4543: Added code to IDS Organization migration to check/create the mappings for a new school year in SourceSystemReferenceData.

Compatible Systems

Generate was tested on the following operating systems and browsers:

  • Windows 10 Pro

  • Google Chrome, Version 68 0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Firefox Quantum 61.01 (64 bit)

Last updated