
The following reports are available in the Data Population Summary:

  1. Student Count by Sex

  2. Student Count by Race/Ethnicity

  3. Student Count by Subpopulation

  4. Student Count by Primary Disability Type

  5. Student Count by Disciplinary Action

  6. Student Count Totals

  7. in Title I Schools

The name of the report indicates the type of information the user will see when the report is generated. To select a report:

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow for the Report field.

  2. Click on the Report name to run the report.

The Data Population Report displays data based on a combination of Level, Year and Report. The individual reports noted above are described in the tabs below.

Student Count by Sex

This report generates a total count of students by sex, as per the EDFacts values for sex. Student count data is displayed in the following columns:

  • SEA, LEA, or School Name (depends on the Level selected)

  • Female

  • Male

  • Not Selected

  • Total (this is a total count of students in Generate by Sex)

Last updated